Transforming Pain + Tending Our Terrain

A Kinetix partner fascia release workshop in Longmont, Colorado

    The workshop is closed for enrollment.

    Join the waitlist for updates on future Kinetix events.

    A winter workshop with Elisha Celeste to learn the art and science of pain alchemy.

    * * * $2700 tuition includes welcome dinner, all class materials and catered lunches * * *


    * * * $2700 tuition includes welcome dinner, all class materials and catered lunches * * * 🌟

    Who is this for?

    This is a BODY based workshop using partner fascia release, perfect for:

    • Individuals seeking insight into the nature of chronic pain

    • Individuals seeking insight into the nature of diseases such as autoimmune and degenerative health conditions

    • Individuals who want to understand how past traumas - whether physical, such as TBI’s or car accidents, or social/emotional events - might be impacting their body today

    • Individuals struggling with dissociation who want to fully inhabit their body and life

    • Citizen scientists

    • Practitioners in the healing arts looking to bring scientific rigor and reliable diagnostics processes into their practice

    • Couples who want to apply diagnostics practices to an at-home Kinetix partner fascia release routine

    Experience a more human and humane vision for healing that is relational, participatory and personally empowering.

    Bring yourself into “right relationship” with your body to co-create health.

    Learn to navigate painful experiences with the insight to respond intelligently.

    Partner fascia release gives us insight into the state of every individual’s fascia system, lymph system, nervous system and blood (circulatory) system.

    Understanding these four systems helps us make sense of symptoms associated with chronic pain and disease conditions, revealing the needs being expressed by the body, soul and/or spirit.

    PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT a practitioner training (though practitioners are welcome).

    Discover the innate healing wisdom inside your body…just waiting to be activated.

    We will explore what our senses communicate to us through our bodies about our internal and external terrain.

    Our time will include partner fascia release, body based relational practices, guided self inquiry, group discussion, sessions/demos for mapping pain patterns, and meaningful connection.

    This is a space to take risks and

    …through play, partner fascia release, curiosity, self assessments, deep connection, laughter, being with “what is” and practices of living science that open our spiritual eyes so we can see and know the truth.

    Discover the innate wisdom of your body and soul in a tangible, visceral way.

    You will leave feeling inspired to take up the deep and rewarding work of physical regeneration, social healing, and spiritual transformation, with a roadmap to take home with you for the journey. 

    You will make new friends, learn new skills, and gain invaluable knowledge that you can use for the rest of your life.

    TUITION: $2700


    Welcome dinner

    Sunday, February 23rd


    4 Full Days of Class Time:


    9am - 5pm

    Integration and Goodbyes

    Friday, February 28th

    9am - 12pm

    What’s Included:

    Welcome dinner and 4 catered lunches made by a local chef with local ingredients.

    Coffee, tea and water provided daily during class hours.

    Guided group processes designed to bring you into right relationship with pain and your body.

    All class supplies, supplementary reading materials and self assessments.

    Opportunities to ask questions, initiate group discussions and speak up when you have something to say.

    You are not a machine - you are a whole world and the world is in you. 

    Are you ready to experience yourself as one whole human being connected to a whole human family, connected to a living planet, connected to the cosmos?

    Are you ready to know yourself as a functional unity made of interdependent and connected parts?

    The truth is: your “parts” cannot be treated separately from all of these ‘wholes.’

    Pain - and its transformation - can only be understood and resolved fully when we find our rightful place inside our bodies and within the wider world.

    Like this earth, your body is designed to degenerate and regenerate.

    Every cell inside of you is dying right now while new ones are being born. Instead of fighting the degenerative processes, you will be invited to give your body the resources it needs to regenerate properly.

    As a soul you are meant to face internal struggles that challenge you to mature emotionally and socially.

    Our emotional wounds and relational conflicts are opportunities for deeper self awareness and interpersonal growth.

    Discover the connection between unhealed traumas, festering soul wounds and chronic physical pain.

    Learn how to tend to your social terrain.

    As a spirit, you are here to become fully human.

    To be fully human is to aim higher than our own self-serving goals; to contribute our moral will towards the healing of all human beings and the planet we rely on for life.

    This ‘higher self’ is your best guide through pain and into freedom.

    Together we will become the new healing impulse the world needs.

    During this 5 day workshop you will:

    Develop an informed and empowered relationship to pain.

    Trade your fear of pain for curiosity. Step outside of your conditioned, habitual reactions to pain and reclaim true sovereignty: power with your body to co-create healing, regeneration and freedom.

    Apprentice yourself to pain - yours, and others’ in the group - and learn its secrets. Map your body’s social patterns. Explore the role that light, magnetism and water play in degeneration and regeneration.

    Tend the social and ecological terrain you’re embedded in.

    Build a toolkit for transforming pain.

    Practice tuning in and deciphering the messages coming through your body. Walk away with deep insight into the nature of pain and what is required to transform it - physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

    Nurture self trust and trust in your body’s innate wisdom.

    Pain is a reliable and helpful guide when you trust your body and feel fully at home there. We will honor our ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in this group, test our edges and practice speaking what is true for us in ways that grow our social courage.

    Join Elisha Celeste in person for:

    • Guided self inquiry 

    • In the moment body work (Kinetix)

    • Having a visceral experiencing of your boundaries

    • Identifying your “yes” and “no” 

    • Learning when and how to pause instead of react when stress occurs in your body

    • Listening to your wise body and learning to speak its language

    • Practices for self-containment, completing stress responses and tending to your social terrain

    • Living science practices that open our spiritual eyes

    • Stepping outside the labyrinth (brain/nervous system) into the knowledge field (the etheric/water/fascia world)

    • Expressing your needs relationally

    • Developing co-creative powers with your body, other humans and this planet for healing, regeneration and freedom

    • Nourishing food (healthy lunches are included in the cost)

    Ready to join us?

    Before we collect payment you will be asked a series of questions in addition to being presented with our binding agreements. This is to ensure that everyone attending is a good fit. We look forward to being with you if you’re aligned!


    • No, we don’t. Due to the high costs associated with planning and putting on this kind of event, we cannot offer refonds. So please make sure you are 100% committed to attending before you register.

      In the case of an unexpected emergency, you may transfer the tuition to a future Summer School or equivalent workshop.

    • No, we don’t. The Kinetix Academy is not affiliated with any government regulated professions or licensing boards. This is 100% intentional. We are devoted to creating learning and vocational associations that exist completely outside government control.

    • Yes, as long as you are functional and able to be active. However, this workshop is NOT suitable for everyone. That's why we require a Zoom consultation before you can register. We want to make sure this is a great fit both ways, and that you are physically and mentally capable of participating fully. Some people will not be able to attend for reasons that have to do with pain levels, certain medications and other contraindications.

      PLEASE NOTE: this workshop is NOT designed to get you out of pain, although your pain may transform as a result of this experience. This workshop is a learning environment designed to empower you with knowledge and skills about the nature of pain and what is required to transform it.

    • You are welcome at the Winter Workshop. This class in particular is designed for people in pain, and for courageous individuals who want to participate in solving the chronic pain epidemic of our time by learning and practicing living science together.

    • Yes and no. This workshop will introduce you to the primary principles and living science practices that Elisha has used in her private practice since 2012 to help clients resolve pain a the root level.

      Rather than teaching you a bunch of techniques, this workshop is meant to bring you into a conscious relationship with the mysterious and often confounding phenomenon we call pain. If you're looking for a more technique focused experience, I recommend attending Summer School or one of our introductory Kinetix workshops.

    My name is Elisha Celeste.

    I’m on a mission to bring scientific rigor to the healing arts, while honoring the soul and spiritual aspects of the human organism.

    After two decades of chronic pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue, I discovered the world of fascia…and it opened my eyes to the interconnected and interdependent nature of my own body, soul and spirit, as well as the impact we have on each other as social beings, and the impact our environment has on our health. All of these elements played a role in my pain and my healing.

    While I’m honored to pass along what I’ve learned to millions of people online, there’s nothing I love more than being with you in person. 💛